Twitch x Skittles -

Sponsorship Spot

We stuffed 10 pounds of animation into a 5 pound bag for Twitch & Skittles on this little sponsorship spot, and followed up with a suite of disruptors designed to interrupt streams with a little bit of that taste of the rainbow.



So… you’re watching a Twitch stream and suddenly one of these ditties appears on the screen overtop of the stream. Boom! Disrupted!


Credits -

Client: Twitch
Directed by Giant Ant

Executive Producer: Teresa Toews
Executive Creative Director: Jay Grandin
Producer: Melissa Buisán
Creative Direction: Eric Pautz
Art Direction: Rafael Mayani
Storyboard: Fabio Valesini
Design: Rafael Mayani, Eric Pautz

Animation Direction: Fabio Valesini
Cel Animation: Fabio Valesini, Johannes Fast, Eric Pautz
Additional Cleanup: Lennon Valinhas
3D Animation: Steve Savalle, Matt Lupo
Compositing: Steve Savalle, Matt Lupo
Music & Sound Design: Playdate Audio